Abstract watercolors, or intuitive painting, was introduced to us by our dear friend Marijke Dixon (just blobs) a year ago. Intuitive painting can easily be described in shortened ways by trying not to control the outcome but rather by dipping your brush in water, applying it to the watercolor paper, and placing ink from an eye dropper onto the water, letting it cast it's results without expectations. An apt metaphor for life, we would suggest as well.
While watercoloring has been an active art for me for years, I sometimes struggle with the desire for perfection. A literal translation of my makings are desired, and this technique of letting it fall where it may has produced a satisfaction and relaxation in the process that I am ever grateful to Marijke for.
When there was a recent rebranding of S Baird Design, the graphic designer that we were working with suggested the abstract paintings be used on the business cards, stationary and the website. The results have been met with many compliments from clients and friends
A gift sent to a friend, who shared her still life gathering of objects in a photo.
“Watercolor is a swim in the metaphysics of life... a mirror of one's own character. Let it be unpredictable and colorful." —Anonymous
Often when visitors stop by, we will pull the paints out, letting that be the center of the visit, we watch as our guests become quiet, contemplating the varied jewel tone colors in the bottles. At New Years Eve this past, we had the company of an 18-year-old who became transfixed and quiet as he painted for an hour, smiling at each one that he created.
Shannon often prefer to draw random circles of water on the blank paper, letting the inks pick up the details that are often unseen until applied with color. Occasionally she will finish one with metallic paints to note some of the details that she want to pull out, always an exercise in letting go and a good way to meditate in an activity.
Below is a guideline from Marijke Dixon that she developed with an art partner of hers as a way to instruct classes and friends on the art of intuitive painting.